Old School

Sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend…

I was recently asked by a truly great friend of mine to be his best man. I instantly accepted. After reminiscing and thinking for a few days, this is the speech I wrote. Congratulations Evan and Leah. I love you guys.

My brother and I are separated by nine years. When he was in high school, I was nothing more than a young nuisance who cramped his style. While we are brothers and we love each other, we are separated by a generation.

I found a friend in first grade. He wore glasses and had an eye patch to help a lazy eye. During class, we thought it was cool that we lived on the same street. Over time, we found out that we lived only a few blocks apart. Once we could ride bikes, we started hanging out at each other’s house after school and during the summer.

We watched baseball, we played baseball. We played Nintendo (I loved to dominate him in Ivan ‘Ironman’ Stewart’s Super Off Road; So much so, that on numerous occasions he accused me of cheating). We watched wrestling and talked about X-men. We were inseparable. His family became mine and mine became his. Although we inevitably drifted apart as I went to Louisville for college and he stayed in Mayfield, we still kept in touch and involved with each other’s lives.

When Evan asked me to be his best man, I was honored. It’s not everyday that you get a chance to be apart of such a special moment for a special person in your life. I’m grateful for a moment like this and for a brother like Evan.