I have mixed feelings today. I am excited because I am picking up a new (used, but new to me) vehicle, but sad because I am trading in my 2007 Volkswagen Rabbit.

The commute into work was uneventful and somber. I dropped Max off at his daycare a little earlier than normal. I then started the short drive to my office. I tried to savor every gear shift (for my Rabbit is a manual transmission). I reveled in every red light so that I may have the opportunity to accelerate through quick gear changes again. I tried to shift as smoothly as possible. I take pride in my gear shifting and in my opinion, there are only a few things in this world better than a smooth take off and a smooth gear change.

The Rabbit was my first new car. It was love at first sight. I wanted it since the first advertisement I watched when Volkswagen reintroduced the model in 2006. It served as a very dependable vehicle through long commutes to and from college. It was my escape. I could climb in, find winding roads, and focus on the drive, leaving all my worries behind (if only momentarily). I literally bought the thing right off the truck when it arrived at the dealer. I was the only owner. I was the driver for nearly 116k miles. I have logged many miles behind the wheel and many smiles as well.

You may think it is ridiculous to have such an attachment to a vehicle as I have to my Rabbit. I would argue that you would be the ridiculous one for not having an attachment to your vehicle. Your vehicle is an extension of yourself. Depending on the commute you have, you may spend more time in your car than you do awake at home. It may sound as though I am lamenting the loss of an old friend when I speak of my Rabbit. In truth, I am. Instead of suffering the pain of a something I care about being taken away too soon, I get the opportunity to possibly give someone else a modicum of the enjoyment that I have had behind the wheel of my Rabbit. I hope, in someway, that the owner who eventually purchases my Rabbit sees this. Take care of her. Enjoy the ride.

Goodbye friend.

A picture of my Volkswagen Rabbit.