I have used toddgrooms.com as my personal blog since I obtained the domain in college. My blog has gone through a few iterations. I have maintained this iteration since 2013. I am proud of my current iteration, but regret the loss of some of the pre-2013 content. Recently, I have been considering a new domain for my personal blog. I think having my name as a landing page makes a lot of sense. I like the idea of my blog living its own life under its own independent name. I also slightly dislike the “.com” TLD for my domain. I’ve also considered picking up a different TLD variant of my current domain. I have also considered migrating my blog (self hosted Jekyll blog) over here so that my blog and micro blog all live together. I’m currently in a weird limbo where I need to use git to create posts for my blog. It creates so much friction that I’m unable to quickly hammer out a full blog post for my regular site.

I am certain this will be something I ponder for awhile.